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How Russia impressed the world?

Despite the Western sanctions, and crippling economy, Russia is moving ahead with hosting the South East Asian Association in the Russian resort city of Sochi. The interesting aspect of this submit is that many of the member countries take part in the summit, were close allies of United States , that indicates their mistrust on the  United States’ policy.

But how Russians overcome their heart is something noteworthy.

First, since the collapse of the Soviet Union and break up of Soviet states into independent countries, Russia never involved in an armed conflict outside of its territory. The recent crisis in Ukraine, and subsequent Western sanctions were viewed by the World as a pure Russian internal problem, that means most of the world still consider the Ukraine and Crimea, as a Russian issue, not a sovereign state issue.
The Russian intervention in Syria and its achievement in the conflict by forcing the warring factions into a negotiating table impressed the world leaders to a great extent, including some of the western leaders. Unlike the United States, the Russians have reason to intervene. The invitation from a sovereign state for help - this Russian approach greatly moved the World leaders especially in the Middle East and South East Asian countries. Because the Russian intervention is not under the pretext of terrorism, human right or regime change.

Syria was an old ally of the Russians, and the Russians intervened not just for the sake of friendship, they had several things in mind, including maintaining their naval base in Syria, stopping the caucus jihadist movements, showcasing their new advanced weapons, proving their Soviet era valor.


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