When there was communism in the
Eastern block of nations during the cold War era, there was real threat of
military conflicts, due to domination of political ideology such as capitalism
and communism. Since the collapse of Soviet Union, and the communist influence
in Russia, there existed a vacuum to be filled for the last two decades.
Now the cold war suspicion, and the
instinct to dominate the world affairs, is once again sprouting, this time not
with a valiant Soviet Union and its allies, but resurgent Russia under Vladimir
Putin. The world knows how the Russians suffered the crisis that arose
immediately after the collapse of Soviet Union, under the presidency of Boris
Soviet era, a mistrust among the two blocks existed on mainly ideological
reason, which started immediately after World War II, and the partition of Germany.
The arms build ups and threat of war among the communist East led by Russia and
Western alliance led by the United States ,reached to the brink of nuclear
flare-ups during the cold war period.
the leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev in Soviet Union, an arms reduction treaty
was signed with the then the president of United States Ronald Reagan. Ntow after the collapse of the Sovet Union, and disintegration of the Soviet States, into soveriegn countries, Russia is no more a match to the west other than militarily.
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